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Essential information about KMP: product catalogue, company, guarantee of quality, delivery and payment terms and many more.

KMP Advantages at a glance

2.3 MB

A quick overview about the advantages of KMP products. (English)

KMP Product News

0.5 MB

The latest supplement to the KMP catalogue including new products and product announcements. (German/English)


0.7 MB

What is Nordic Ecolabel? Which requirements do KMP products meet to prove that they are eco-friendlier than others? (English)

KMP Catalogue 2022

8 MB

The recent issue of the product catalogue containing our extensive range. (German/English)

Guarantee terms

1.0 MB

All of our products are of course covered by the statutory warranty of two years. In addition, we are pleased to offer our customers a three-year guarantee on our inks and toners in accordance with the terms and conditions set out.

KMP Complaint Request

0.1 MB

In case of a product fault during the KMP warranty time, please fill in this complaint request form and attach it to your return consignment. (English)

KMP image and sustainability

10 MB

Discover the self-image of KMP on 36 pages. (English)

Save Resources - The Recycling Center of KMP

0,8 MB

Collect empty printer cartridges and do some good – this is how it works. (German/English)

KMP delivery and payment terms

0.1 MB

in the version dated 29.03.2023

Please find here flyers with focus on specific topics:

KMP online shop for dealers

0.4 MB

This service is still being built up for our export customers.

KMP XXL toner cartridges

1.6 MB

More performance, lower prices. Thanks to intensive research and development, these cartridges offer up to 4 x higher page yields at significantly lower costs compared to standard cartridgeprices.

Service hotline

For technical queries about our products
+49 180 2 020800
0.06 € per call when calling from Germany. Costs may vary when calling from outside Germany.

You can reach us

Monday - Thursday 8.00 - 16.30
Friday 8.00 - 13.30